Performance Update
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Performance Disclosure
Past performance does not guarantee future results. Performance figures are calculated net of management fees and net of brokerage commissions. Performance numbers are unaudited and subject to change. From 6/30/01 going forward, performance numbers are calculated using the TWR method using performance history module on Advent AXYS. Some accounts use leverage, carry a margin balance, and hold both long and short individual stocks.
The Monetary Management Corporation Total Composite consists of all fully discretionary accounts of Monetary Management Corporation. Monetary Management Corporation manages a few separate accounts that are not consistent with this index's strategy and are not included in the index. Composite accounts are generally fully invested in equities. The investment objective ranges from conservative growth to aggressive growth. The accounts range from long only to fully market neutral depending on the client's objective. This index consists of both taxable and tax deferred accounts. Some accounts use tax loss selling to offset realized gains. Accounts are added or removed from the index monthly. INCEPTION DATES: MMC Total Composite: 6/30/01. MMC Long Composite: 6/30/01. MMC Hedged Composite: 06/30/01. MMC High Yield Dividend Composite: 3/31/02. MMC Market Neutral Composite: 03/31/09. 2001 performance from 6/30/01-12/31/02. S&P 500 Total return and Annualized return dates benchmarked to the MMC Long and Hedged Composites: 6/30/01.
The S&P 500 and the Lehman Agg. Bond Index are used as benchmarks to the Monetary Management Corporation Total Performance Composite. Market Neutral strategies are typically compared to the Lehman Agg. Bond Index. Accounts that hold long stocks only should be compared to the S&P 500. The S&P 400 Midcap index could be used as a benchmark because Monetary Management Corporation Total Composite can hold mostly Mid-cap stocks. The market conditions during this time period varied from sharply rising markets to sharply declining markets. In general the market conditions during this time period were extremely volatile.